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Objectivity 5 beta 3 build 2 on PDSF

Dear Challenged Ones;

The latest version of Objectivity (version 5 beta 3 build 2) has been
installed on the PDSF Solaris machines. To access:

	module load objectivity/5b3

The AMS server for Obj'y 5 is on pdsfsu30 (pdsfsu32 for Obj'y 4).

I have not yet tested that it is working properly. I would appreciate
feedback on any successes and/or failures in using the new product.

- Craig

 Craig E. Tull, Ph.D.
 National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
 E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
 EMail: cetull@lbl.gov       WWW: iago.lbl.gov/~tull
 Phone: (510)486-7253        FAX: (510)486-4004