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OmniBroker on PDSF

Hi all,

This is an update on the status of OmniBroker on pdsf.

The original installation, accessible to LBL-unix machines other 
than (and including) pdsf, is version 2.0.2.  On pdsf, this is now 
accessed via,

module load omnibroker/2.0.2

The version I installed a couple of weeks ago is version 2.0.3.  This
is now the default version within the PDSF system. 

module load omnibroker

The latest version (with multithreading) is an ALPHA version - 3.0a.
The installation required OOC's JThreads/C++ beta release - 1.0b3.
You access the alpha version via,

module load omnibroker/3.0a

This setup will prepend both the OmniBroker library path and the JThreads/C++ 
library path onto your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  The latter was needed during the
OmniBroker build/installation; I don't know that it is needed during builds 
of our codes, but included it in the module just in case.  I also 
downloaded the available JThreads/C++ documentation,

/home/products/omnibroker/JTC-3.0a8/doc/JTCpp.pdf  or JTCpp.ps

The README file for the ALPHA release of omnibroker cites the 
following features/limitations:

- Full CORBA IDL support
- Complete CORBA IDL-to-C++ mapping
- Complete CORBA IDL-to-Java mapping
- Pluggable Protocols with IIOP as default plug-in
- Single- and Multi-Threaded with many possible concurrency models:
  * Blocking
  * Reactive
  * Threaded
  * Thread per Client
  * Thread per Request
  * Available soon: Thread Pool
- Nested method invocations even in the single-threaded version
- Support for timeouts
- Seamless event loop integration with X11 and Windows
- Full support for dynamic programming:
  * Dynamic Invocation Interface
  * Dynamic Skeleton Interface
  * Interface Repository
  * DynAny for dynamic Any type handling
- IDL-to-HTML translator for generating "javadoc"-like documentation

The current beta version has the following limitations:

- Only persistent (i.e. manually launched) servers are currently
- OmniBroker for C++ with multi-threading support does currently not
  work under Windows 95.  

Have fun & let me know of any problems with the installation.


R. Jeff Porter       		phone: 510-486-6983
MS 50A-1148          		fax  : 510-486-7698
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab	email: rjporter@lbl.gov
Berkeley, CA 94720    