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QueryObject in CVS

Hi all,

I put the current version of the QueryObject in the 
cvs directory as a module QO.  To access it,

cd your-wrk-dir
setenv $CVSROOT /afs/rhic/gc/cvs
cvs co QO

Since the QO is not a standalone code, the module in
cvs is simply to have the source code available.  

Probably of more importance for integration, I've also
made a module "idl".  I've put in the idl file smqQueryI.idl.
Although some code in QO/src is built from other idl files
(qe.idl & smDefs.idl) via Omnibroker idl compiler, I have not
added these files to the idl module.

I have also made some modifications based on David's
suggestion about exception handling. This was actually
fine for most cases except when the method depended
upon the state of the query but now it is fine for all cases
(I believe).   As Henrik notes, the QO does handle the
CORBA system exceptions as well as smQueryExceptions.
The QO logs the information but returns appropriate
responces (in most cases) to the user code.  We'll need
to explore these return definitions in more detail next week.

Thanks, Jeff

R. Jeff Porter                rjporter@lbl.gov
LBNL MS 50A-1148   ph#:    510-486-6983
Berkeley, CA 94720   fax#:   510-486-7698