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xdf files on data01

Hi All,
I am trying to create a second large data base for testing, but have run
out of space on data01.  Would it be alright to move the xdf files into 
hpss and off disk for a while?

The space problem is in large part due to the excesses of those starprod
guys using starsu00 as a staging area to RCF and LBL HPSS.  Ill bug that
starprod guy to clean up the disk space, but with starprod and gc dbases
occupying data01 and data02 space is at a premium.


* Dr. David Zimmerman,                                		*          
* E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory                    *
* EMail: DMZimmerman@lbl.gov       WWW: www-rnc.lbl.gov/~zimm/  *
* Phone: (510)-486-6349             Fax:(510)-486-4818		*