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FW: META-DATA 99: Call for Papers

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Coyne Jr [mailto:coyne@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 3:18 PM
To: Ingo.Augustin@cern.ch; Fabrizio.Gagliardi@cern.ch; lisa@fnal.gov;
dane@fnal.gov; ruth@fnal.gov; mmihalek@fnal.gov;
wolfgang.friebel@desy.de; alan.silverman@cern.ch; "CN=Otis Graf
Jr/OU=Houston/O=IBM"@us.ibm.com; gleicher@sdsc.edu;
fernando@roma.quadrics.com; martin.gasthuber@desy.de;
michael.ernst@desy.de; abh@slac.stanford.edu;
Richard.Mount@slac.stanford.edu; wojcik@cc.in2p3.fr; jon@cc.in2p3.fr;
Rumler@cc.in2p3.fr; patton@cacr.caltech.edu; Paolo.Calafiura@cern.ch;
Jean.Pierre.Thibonnier@cern.ch; rekha.gupta@cern.ch;
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gibbard@bnl.gov; emanuele.leonardi@cern.ch; Youichi.Igarashi@kek.jp;
Yoshiji.YASU@kek.jp; dlolson@lbl.gov; igb@jlab.org; misawa@bnl.gov;
Atsushi.Manabe@kek.jp; Paolo.Santangelo@lnf.infn.it; eva.arderiu@cern.ch
Subject: META-DATA 99: Call for Papers

Please consider responding to our CFP and share it with your colleges.

Bob Coyne
Conference Chair, META-DATA 99

internet: coyne@us.ibm.com
phone: 281-335-4040
fax: 281-335-4231

---------------------- Forwarded by Bob Coyne Jr/Houston/IBM on 08/18/98
PM ---------------------------

miller@esdim.noaa.gov on 08/18/98 10:28:35 AM
Please respond to miller@esdim.noaa.gov
To: metad98-com@k2.llnl.gov
Subject: Distribute Call for Proposals

PC members; The final version of the Call for Papers for the IEEE Meta-Data
Conference is appended. Please distribute widely and send me a message
your distribution channels. I will post this list on our PC Web site so that
can avoid duplication and maximize the advertising of the conference.

Thank you for your help.



                           Third IEEE Meta-Data Conference

                                  CALL FOR PAPERS

     Location: National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
     Dates: 6-7 April 1999
     For more information:

Sponsored by:

IEEE Computer Society - Mass Storage Systems and Technology Technical
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Raytheon STX Corporation

The goal of the IEEE Meta-Data Conference is to encourage discussion of
metadata-related issues. Papers that contribute to practical understanding,
with an emphasis on best practices, are strongly encouraged. Innovative
metadata projects or approaches that have achieved maturity are
welcome.  Papers presenting a vision that builds on the evolution of current
capabilities (e.g., advanced search capabilities; data mining; knowledge
management for the novice and the expert; role of metadata in enabling novel
and sophisticated applications exploiting digital data across heterogeneous
environments) are of great interest.  Survey papers, short tutorial papers,
and product or project experiences are also requested.

Previously published papers will not be considered.

Panel proposals should describe the topic, intended audience, and list the
likely participants. Panels should discuss topics that involve the audience
rather than being mini-paper sessions.  Proposals for poster displays and/or
demonstrations should focus on presenting novel and interesting technical
aspects of metadata research or development. Soon-to-be products that
substantial technical support for metadata are also welcome.

We are soliciting abstracts of 500 to 2000 words for potential papers and
panel proposals.  Abstracts of poster and/or demo presentations of
up to 500 words of text are requested.  Only those pages of the abstract
not exceeding the word limit will be reviewed.

Topics of interest include the following:

     Metadata Management:
          + modeling and representation of metadata, including
               -impact of modeling choices (oo, relational, ..) on
                extensibility of metadata
               -impact of metadata on storage, retrievability and use of
               -metadata for logical/semantic representation of the WWW
          + data mining/knowledge extraction tools
          + metadata for mass storage and warehousing
          + metadata for semi-structured data
          + integrating multi-level metadata
          + metadata repository architecture
          + metadata for directory services (e.g., LDAP and X.500)
          + systems for managing metadata
               -WWW-based metadata management

     Application-specific issues of metadata:
          + efficient development of metadata (e.g., XML and WebDAV
             (Distributed Authoring and Versioning) and the OpenGIS
             cataloging standard
          + earth sciences and resource management (weather/climate,
          + other data-intensive application areas (health sciences, census,
             film/video archives, etc.)

     Emerging applications in Global Information Infrastructure, including
          + Digital library metadata issues:
               -search through multimedia documents and across heterogeneous
               -metadata for multimedia and heterogeneous digital data
               -metadata for mass storage
          + metadata for managing WWW-based information resources

          + metadata, FOIA, and EFOIA (Electronic Freedom of Information
          + bridging multiple overlapping metadata 'standards'
          + international standards efforts

     Working Systems demonstrating any aspects related to metadata

Authors MUST submit electronic "contact information" for their
abstracts to be accepted. See the conference homepage for electronic
submission details. (http://www.llnl.gov/liv_comp/metadata/md99/md99.html)

For further information on submission, please contact:

Terence Critchlow
Phone: 925-423-5682
Fax: 925-423-2993

For further information on the conference, please contact:

Chris Miller
Phone: 301-713-1264
Fax: 301-713-1249


Ron Musick
Phone: 925-424-5015
Fax:   925-423-2993

Important Dates:

     Deadline for paper abstract, poster-demo abstract, panel proposal
     submission: October 15, 1998
     Acceptance/rejection notification: December 8, 1998
     Full hard copies of the papers (6-10 pages suggested) due:
     February 5, 1999
     Final cooperative review for full papers ends March 2, 1999

Proceedings will be published electronically, as were the proceedings of the
Second IEEE Meta-Data Conference
There will be low cost hardcopy proceedings available for conference


Robert Coyne     IBM        - Chair
Merritt Jones    MITRE
Ben Kobler       NASA


Nabil Adams                     Rutgers University/ NASA
Al Aho                          Columbia University
Owen Ambur                      Fish & Wildlife Service
Anne O'Donnell Ball             NOAA
Gerald Barton                   NOAA
Barbara Bicking                 Environmental Sys.Research Institute
Terence Critchlow               Lawrence Livermore National Labs
Sara Graves                     U. of Alabama, Huntsville
Dave Johnson                    Earthware Systems, Australia
Hermann Maurer                  Technical University Graz, Austria
Chris Miller                    NOAA - chair
Matt Morgenstern                Xerox
Ron Musick                      Lawrence Livermore National Labs - vice
Doug Nebert                     United States Geological Survey
Len Seligman                    MITRE
Sushma Singhal                  Raytheon STX Corporation
Kshitij Shah                    SoftPlus
Terry Smith                     U. of California, Santa Barbara
Mark Whiting                    Pacific Northwest Lab
Matthias Zingler                European Space Agency, Italy