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Re: talking to my qe

Doug Olson wrote:
> Why is someone talking to my qe?
> Query 36115d26-45dc67 started talking to my qe
> (/grandch/u/GCA/tmp/SM_QE_dlo.ref).
> My code had already crashed so it did not mess me
> up but perhaps you did not know you were talking to
> my qe.
> Doug

I just ran qe, but I was using /tmp/SM_QE.ref so it shouldn't
and something weird is goind on with my STL list library...
for somereason, (...).size() is not working all of sudden, and
if I split into two myList = (...) and myList.size(), it works...

Alex Sim                        
MS 50B-3238                      http://sim.lbl.gov
DM, NERSC, LBNL                        ASim@lbl.gov
1 Cyclotron Road             office: (510) 495-2290
Berkeley, CA 94720              FAX: (510) 486-4004