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FW: What we need to log during experiments

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordberg [mailto:HNordberg@lbl.gov] 
Sent: Monday, September 28, 1998 5:21 PM
To: Arie Shoshani; Alexander Sim; Luis M. Bernardo; Doug Olson
Subject: What we need to log during experiments

Some things I think we need to log when we run our experiments:
        ______                ________                 _______
       |      |       A      |        |       B       |       |
       | HPSS |--------------| RMDS03 |---------------| Linux |
       |______|              |________|               |_______|


At startup:
* cache size (CM)
* queries (QE?)
* SII's parameters

At runtime:
* A's transfer rate, both our part and other possible parts (we should
be alone) (CM + system (perfmon?))
* B's transfer rate (system)
* CPU usage on RMDS03 for our and other components (system)
* file size (CM)
* cache utilization (how full it is) (CM)

Any more suggestions?
	- Henrik
Henrik Nordberg       <hnordberg@lbl.gov>
Scientific Data Management Research Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory