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RE: Multiple files per database in Objectivity

Thanks for the info.  This sounds quite reasonable to me.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arie Shoshani [mailto:shoshani@lbl.gov]
> Sent: Thursday, November 12, 1998 2:40 PM
> To: GC development group
> Subject: Multiple files per database in Objectivity
> Multiple files per database in Objectivity
> Dave Malon heard at the RD45 meeting of the proposed scheme that
> Objectivity plans to implement for supporting multiple files per
> database.  At SC98, I stopped at the Objectivity booth and talked to
> Leon Guzenga and another person (I forgot his name) to explain what they
> plan to do and how it will effect the GC work.  Here is what I got.
> It will be possible to split each database into multiple files.  A file
> is made of an integral number of containers.  A max_file_size will be
> specified for each database, as well as a max_database_size.  Thus,
> dividing the database size by the file size determines how many files
> can be in a database.  Dividing the file size by the container size
> determines the number of containers per file.  One can choose to have
> exactly one container per file, but multiple containers will be
> supported as well.
> For example, container size: 100 MB, file size: 1 GB, database size: 50
> GB, imply 10 containers/file, and max of 50 files/database.  
> Neither the containers nor the files have to be full.  For consecutive
> writes the system will fill containers one after another.  Suppose that
> for the above setup a database is written 2 MBs chunks at a time.  Then,
> after the first container will be filled with 50 chunks, the system will
> automatically fill the second container, etc.  This will continue till
> all 10 containers are full.  Container 11 is then the beginning of the
> second file, etc.
> However, if one wished to terminate a file before all of its containers
> are full, that can be done by asking to write to the first container of
> the next file.  For example, suppose, one wishes to close the first file
> after 60 writes each 2 MBs.  50 write will fill the first container, and
> 10 will go into the second.  One can then choose to write the next
> chunk  (the 61st chunk) into container 11, which the first container of
> the second file of the database.  Space will not be wasted, though. 
> Only the written pages make up the file.  So, effectively one can create
> any file size up to the max declared.
> All files are closed at the same time when the database is closed.
> The directory will not contain the names of individual files, only the
> name of the database.  However, a function will be provided to get the
> container size and the file size for each database.  Thus, given an
> object_id, one can use the container_id and the sizes to calculate the
> file_number.  Using the database_id, one can get the database_name from
> the directory.  Concatenating the database_name and the file_number is
> the unique file name.
> A consequence of this scheme is that all the files in the same database
> must reside in the same directory.  
> The reason for this scheme is to minimize the changes needed to the
> Objectivity modules, while maintaining the current functionality.  A
> choice of the file size to be the same as the database size is a default
> that will support all current applications without change.
> So, I think we can work with this setup with little adjustments to the
> GC components.
> Arie.
> p.s.  I asked if it will be possible to have open_file, close_file
> functions, so that when writing one does not have to keep tracks which
> containers to write to.  A "close" could be fake, only having the effect
> of stopping the writes into a file.  An "open" will have the effect of
> starting the following write to the first container of the next file. 
> The answer was "no", but they said they'll put this request on the list
> of requested features.  If this is important to people who generate
> files, they should make it clear to Objectivity as early as possible.