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Re: Orbacus 3.1.1 on rmds03?

The JTC-1.0.5-XXX files/directories have been symlinked into the
OB-3.1.XXXX directories. This should make it appear as if the two
packages were installed in the same directory tree.
The DEBUG versions were symlink together as were the NON-DEBUG version 
so that the appropriate libraries from the same compile options of the
two packages are in the same place.

The most likely candidate for symlinking into /usr/local is the
No Debug/Optimized/No JThreadC++ version of OB-3.1.1. Unless there are 
no objections, I will probably do this on monday morning (i.e. remove
OB-2.X and install OB-3.1.1 in /usr/local).


Alex Sim writes:
 > Shigeki,
 > Can you move/copy JTC include files and libraries under OB-3.1.1 and
 > OB-3.1.1-DEBUG?
 > like include directory can have OB/ and JTC/ and lib directory can just
 > list libJTC among others?
 > JTC doesn't have anything in bin or man, and it is a part of OB.
 > --Alex