GC meeting at ANL 27-Apr-99

Bruce G., Steve J., Alex S., Henrik N., Arie S., Jeff P., Luis B., Dave M., Doug O., Dave Z.


Notes for future considerations … production use:

  1. Consider dynamic configuration parameters, such as # active pftp requests


Scalability of Components


large EID_list <represent event-reference collection>

(see note)

Generic Interfaces:

Event ID

(primary object ID)

most components only need opaque ID's

index needs to store them

user supplies OID typedef

OID can be any fixed size IDL typedef

comparison operator - verify that EID's are unique at index building/appending

File Catalog

how does expt. pass file info to STACS,

diskpath (where should CM put it) localpath,

hpss path, remotepath,

tape number

file size

external fileID

index builder uses external file ID

CM uses external file ID with catalog to get localpath & remotepath

how does user code get localpath (not quite our problem)

We have added a CORBA component which is file catalog that the GCA will provide or the application can provide it for the same interface

tagDB (incl. null)

event ID's

attribute names & values

component names

external fileID for each component

meaning & representation of null values

component index feeder is server responding to query estimator


components should be able to launch in any order


initiate building, appending, the index

controlling policy, parameters

startup, launch




Test federation for scalability tests

Dave Z.

10^7 events, 5 components, 2 TB

Is 10^7 enough to comment on 10^9?

Consider making 3 indices, 10^5, 10^6, 10^7

Time period for scalability tests?