27-28 April Grand Challenge Meeting

The next quarterly Grand Challenge workshop will be held at Argonne on theafternoon of April 27 and all day on April 28. We recommend the Argonne Guest House for lodging--it's nearby, relatively new, relatively inexpensive ($60 per night), has Ethernet connections in all rooms, and is recommended by LBNL's own Stu Loken.

See http://www.aps.anl.gov/travel/ for travel instructions, site maps, and a pointer to the Guest House web page, with an online registration form.   Use Dave Malon, DIS Division as the contact on the guest house web form.

An agenda and more detailed information will follow in the coming weeks.

If you plan to attend, please let me (malon@anl.gov) and Christine Schuur (the local arrangements secretary: cschuur@anl.gov, 630 252 6213) know.  We need your name, citizenship, and date of arrival for site access. If you are not a US citizen, we also need to know your place and date of birth.

David Malon

630 252 5174