
RQMD (Version 2.3) Source Code

Source code of RQMD version 2.3 is obtained from Dr. Heinz Sorge.

The source code is split into many files, so that each file contains only one subroutine or function for easy identification.

Modifications to RQMD source

RQMD IO Handling on Cray T3E

Random Number Seed

Normally RQMD uses computer time to manipulate the random number seed. This has problem with parallel processing, because many processors could end up with same random seed if they start-up at rougly the same time. The way it is handled is to add the processor number into this manipulation of the random number seed in routine seed.f, which RQMD uses to generate random number seed. The routine has to call ipet3e of cause.

Make RQMD executable

Makefile (which includes Makefile.depend ) to link RQMD executable.

Running RQMD on Cray T3E

Use command
qsub script_file
A sample script is
# Embedded flags (default options) for qsub:
#QSUB -s /bin/csh
#QSUB -r rqmd
#QSUB -eo -o /u/gc5/fqwang/rqmd2.3/wrk/rqmd.out
#QSUB -l mpp_p=16       #Maximum PEs Needed (Required).
#QSUB -mb -me
set echo
#       setup rqmd files
cp /u5/fqwang/rqmd2.3/nml/SS200cld_b0.nml $BIG/file5
chdir $BIG
cp /u/gc5/fqwang/rqmd2.3/bin/rqmd .
touch file6 file9 file14
/u/gc5/fqwang/rqmd2.3/bin/cp_file.ksh 16
rm file5 file6 file9 file14
#       execute
mpprun -n 16 ./rqmd
ja -s
#       merge output files,
#       move the merged files to storage area,
#       and clean up house.
ls -sR
/u/gc5/fqwang/rqmd2.3/bin/merge_file.ksh 16
ls -s file*
/u/gc5/fqwang/rqmd2.3/bin/put_file.csh /usr/tmp/fqwang SS200cldbub_b0.nml
rm -rf *
exit 0
For explanation of embedded flags, see Cray T3E Web Page and qsub man page.

The script does several tasks:

Last updated: 13 May, 1997