Antimatter with Heavy-Ion Beam Zhangbu Xu (BNL, for the STAR Collaboration) We report the first observation of an antimatter hypernucleus, the antihypertriton. Our ability to produce and measure these exotic nuclei opens up the study of a new octant in the 3D chart of the nuclides along the antimatter and positive strangeness axes. The (anti)hypernuclei are believed to be produced at the final stage in relativistic heavy-ion collisions via the quantum wave-function overlapping (coalescence) of its constituents. Therefore, their yields provide an effective measure of the baryon-strangeness correlation. We discuss the contrasting results obtained at RHIC and AGS and their implications for RHIC beam energy scan program. Furthermore, we propose to search for other exotic antimatter (anti-alpha), and to create first antinucleus atomcules at RHIC for possible precision measurements of antinucleus masses.