iperf tests with default window size to stargrid03.rcf.bnl.gov,
stargrid04.rhic.bnl.gov from pdsfgrid5.nersc.gov.  Single thread.

stargrid03:   ~20kB/s
stargrid04:   ~20kB/s

These tests done w/txqueuelen = 100

pdsfgrid5 43% /sbin/ifconfig eth0
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:E0:81:28:AB:5D 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:376536232 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:64200233 errors:374826 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:374826
          collisions:54609953 txqueuelen:100
          RX bytes:168945607 (161.1 Mb)  TX bytes:2731522426 (2604.9 Mb)
          Interrupt:48 Base address:0xac00 Memory:fc7e0000-fc800000

pdsfgrid5 42% iperf -c stargrid03.rcf.bnl.gov -t 1000 -i 10 -p 21000 -P 1
Client connecting to stargrid03.rcf.bnl.gov, TCP port 21000
TCP window size: 64.0 KByte (default)
[  5] local port 33422 connected with port 21000
[  5]  0.0-10.0 sec    240 KBytes    197 Kbits/sec
[  5] 10.0-20.0 sec    192 KBytes    157 Kbits/sec
[  5] 20.0-30.0 sec    240 KBytes    197 Kbits/sec
[  5] 30.0-40.0 sec    152 KBytes    125 Kbits/sec
[  5] 40.0-50.0 sec    328 KBytes    269 Kbits/sec
[  5] 50.0-60.0 sec    152 KBytes    125 Kbits/sec
[  5] 60.0-70.0 sec    152 KBytes    125 Kbits/sec
[  5] 70.0-80.0 sec    224 KBytes    184 Kbits/sec
[  5] 80.0-90.0 sec    192 KBytes    157 Kbits/sec
[  5]  0.0-91.5 sec  1.86 MBytes    171 Kbits/sec

pdsfgrid5 45% iperf -c stargrid04.rcf.bnl.gov -t 1000 -i 10 -p 21000 -P 1
Client connecting to stargrid04.rcf.bnl.gov, TCP port 21000
TCP window size: 64.0 KByte (default)
[  5] local port 33424 connected with port 21000
[  5]  0.0-10.0 sec    256 KBytes    210 Kbits/sec
[  5] 10.0-20.0 sec    232 KBytes    190 Kbits/sec
[  5] 20.0-30.0 sec    240 KBytes    197 Kbits/sec
[  5] 30.0-40.0 sec    176 KBytes    144 Kbits/sec
[  5] 40.0-50.0 sec    208 KBytes    170 Kbits/sec
[  5] 50.0-60.0 sec    176 KBytes    144 Kbits/sec
[  5] 60.0-70.0 sec    232 KBytes    190 Kbits/sec
[  5] 70.0-80.0 sec    216 KBytes    177 Kbits/sec
[  5] 80.0-90.0 sec    224 KBytes    184 Kbits/sec
[  5] 90.0-100.0 sec    104 KBytes  85.2 Kbits/sec