STAR Working Groups Disk Information

Last updated: 26 June 2008 13:24

Maintained by: A. Rose


The data vault disk space for STAR on PDSF is arranged into various subgroup areas, each of which is controlled by a group quota.  The list of groups, contact person, membership and paths are given below.  Data for each of the Physics Working Groups in STAR should be placed under the appropriate area for that group (under /auto/stardata/pwg/).  Data common to all of STAR (like DST's, simulation production, daq files, etc.) is (should be) located under the starprod directories (and disk quota).

Please note that this disk space is NOT backed up.  If you want to make sure that you have copies of files you can use the HPSS system,, using either ftp or hsi on the linux machines, or pftp on pdsfsu00.

Operating with group quotas

In order to write into one of these areas you must set your group to the appropriate one using newgrp.  For example, to write into the Event by Event area (starebye) you should:

newgrp starebye
cp <some file> /auto/stardata/starebye/.../<some file>

This primary group will stay with you current session until you 'exit' or do 'newgrp' again.

If you receive a 'Password:" prompt after typing 'newgrp' you should inform the appropriate contact person for that group below in order to be added to this group.  If you are already listed in the 'member list' below for this group then you submit a PDSF trouble ticket to report this problem.

In order to see what your quotas are for your current primary group type:
quota -g
on the linux machines.

Note on paths:  

The datavault disks on PDSF have names like pdsfdv01, pdsfdv02, ... pdsfdv15.  Since these may change, or the locations of group quota's on these datavaults may be moved as needs change, a common root path has been set up which should be used in referring to the various group areas, which are just symbolic links to the appropriate path on one of the datavaults.  When group quota's are moved from one datavault to another, these links will be updated.


Current groups are listed below.  To get added to a group send Andrew an email

STAR group gid contacts
Event by event starebye Gary Westfall
HBT starhbt Mike Lisa
Heavy Flavor
Huan Huang Thomas Ullrich
Event Structure
Lanny Ray
Peripheral Collisions starpcol Spencer Klein /auto/stardata/starpcol
Spectra starspec Raimond Snellings /auto/stardata/starspec
Spin starspin Jan Balewski /auto/stardata/starspin
Strangeness starstra Helen Caines /auto/stardata/starstra
High Pt starhipt Peter Jacobs /auto/stardata/starhipt
Production starprod Andrew Rose /auto/stardata/starprod/...