kRad exposure:
H. Wieman 9/8/04
Review of the expected dose for HFT for Dulinski
The average hit rate during a fill at the inner layer at 1.5 cm radius is covered in:
And it is based on Tom Roser luminosity projections for RHIC
particle flux at the inner radius of 1.5 cm
Years 2006-2009
doubles for 2010 and doubles again in 2011
dose assuming 40% duty factor and 21 week operation per year
energy loss for min I in silicon
definition of rad see:
This is the dose in kRad for the Silicon at 1.5 cm with predicted luminosity in 2008, 21 weeks per year and 40% operating efficiency
If the luminosity goes up as Roser prediction then the total dose for 2008-2011 operation will be 16 krad. In the past from TPC studies at STAR it was believed that the total dose was almost entirely from interactions. There is now some evidence that beam gas may also contribute. This will have to be measured.