Heavy Ion Tea
Thursday, April 26, 2007 | 3:30pm, (54-130) Pers Hall |
Probing the QCD Matter with Heavy Flavors in STAR
The heavy quarks can be studied directly, via full reconstruction of hadronic
decays, or indirectly by measurement the electrons from their semileptonic
decays. The results from the D0 reconstruction in STAR in d+Au and Au+Au
collisions are presented, as well as the non-photonic single electron
spectra from p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV at RHIC.
Azimuthal correlations of non-photonic electrons and charged hadrons yield
essential information on heavy flavor production and allow a discrimination
between charm and bottom contribution to the electron spectra due to different
decay kinematics and away-side particle composition. Preliminary results on
the relative contribution of the D and B mesons to the non-photonic electrons
will be also presented.
Jaroslav Bielcik (Yale University)
One of the most striking discoveries at RHIC is the observed strong suppression
of high-pT hadrons. This has been attributed to the radiative energy loss of
the energetic partons via induced gluon radiation in the hot and dense matter
before fragmenting into hadrons. The study of heavy quark production extends
our understanding of this scenario.