Heavy Ion Tea
Tuesday, October 2, 2007 | 3:30 pm, Pers Hall |
New High-Energy Dimuon Experiments at Fermilab and J-PARC
Ming X. Liu (LANL)
I discuss selected physics topics from the future high-energy dimuon
measurements at the Fermilab and J-APRC. The Fermilab E906 experiment will
use Drell-Yan scattering to measure nucleon and nuclear structure at the
parton level, and study the effects of energy loss of fast quarks traveling
nuclear medium. This experiment will use the 120GeV proton beam extracted
from the Fermilab main injector. The E906 experiment has been approved by
the Fermilab PAC and is scheduled to collect data in 2009. The proposed
high-mass dimuon measurement at J-PARC will use the 50-GeV proton
synchrotron that is under construction now. With the possibility of having
polarized proton beams at J-PARC, we explore a new spin physics program with
dimuon measurements.