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Thoughts on Linux and Objectivity...

The following thought occurred to me with regard to the issue
of running Objectivity on Linux PC for the MDC and initial
testing of the GCA architecture... In an initial implementation
the Linux PC are clients to the Objectivity database. A port of
objectivity would mean having the lock server, AMS and the 
client C++ library on the Linux machine. In an initial implementation
we might not need the lock server and AMS to run on Linux (it is
some where else on the network). Java is a "portable" virtual 
machine, so could we not run the Objectivity Java client software
on the Linux pc's to access the data in the Objectivity servers using
NFS or AMS on remote machines? An interface between Java and Staf would
then need to be constructed. Clearly this would not be high speed
way of moving data from Objectivity to STAF but would allow a complete
test of the architecture  and functionality of many of the components!

Comments and/or criticisms ....
Edward N. May			Phone:		(630)-252-6222
High Energy Physics Division 	FAX:		(630)-252-5076
Argonne National Laboratory	Internet:	may@anl.gov
Argonne, IL 60439 USA		Webpage:	http://sun2.hep.anl.gov