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RE: HPSS classes of service


At 03:15 PM 2/10/98 -0500, Mark Pollack wrote:
>I'm afraid I don't understand HPSS enough... what is a "class of service"?
>>From what you said it sound like it might be rather limiting.

COS's are the only way to access HPSS.

A COS is simply the definition of the hierarchic storage components (tapes,
tape drives, bit file movers disk cache) within which files are accessable
in HPSS.

You can define COSs with striping across tapes, with no disk cache (ie.
straight from tape), etc.

- Craig

 Craig E. Tull, Ph.D.
 National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
 E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
 EMail: cetull@lbl.gov       WWW: iago.lbl.gov/~tull
 Phone: (510)486-7253        FAX: (510)486-4004