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Solaris CC patch for Objy v5b3 persistent STL

Hi all,

Mark noted to me that the Objy-documentation states the need
for a Solaris C++ compiler patch:

    Patch-ID# 104631-02
    Keywords: C++ 4.2 SC4.2
    Synopsis: C++ 4.2: Jumbo Patch for C++ 4.2 on Solaris SPARC
    Date: May/23/97

in order to use persistent STL. I checked and this patch 
was not installed on pdsf.  It should be there now.

pdsfsu10 141% which CC 

pdsfsu10 142% what /vol/pub/lang-4.2/bin/CC | grep patch
        RELEASE VERSION WorkShop Compilers 4.2 18 Sep 1997 C++ 4.2 patch 104631-04

This patch, 104631-04, reportedly replaces the need for patch 104631-02.
Let us (pdsf-support@lbl.gov) know if you experience any problems.


R. Jeff Porter       		phone: 510-486-6983
MS 50A-1148          		fax  : 510-486-7698
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab	email: rjporter@lbl.gov
Berkeley, CA 94720    