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starsu00 status

Hi all,

I wanted to update everyone on the evolution of the GC-setup on 

*  Action Item on Doug's list "CC available" was fixed during 
the workshop. It was just a path setup inconsistency in the 
startup files.  Just use "module load lang" as on pdsf.

*  Objectivity5.0 is installed.  "module load objectivity/5" 
It is not presently installed on other pdsf systems.  Let us know
(pdsf-support@lbl.gov) if there are any problems with the
installation.  We'd also like to know if anyone is still using 
or planning to use objectivity/4 or objectivity/5b3.  We prefer
to remove one or both of these from the system, install version-5
on the pdsfsun machines, and re-define "module load objectivity" 
to point to version-5.

* /scrgc/data01 and /scrgc/data02 will be moved from pdsfsu6 to 
starsu00.  The best way to do this is to move all files you wish 
to keep onto starsu00::/scratch or hpss. Note that /scrgc/data01 
& /scrgc/data02 are nfs mounted on starsu00.  This will allow us 
to properly rebuild the file systems on the new machine.  The 
Objectivity/5b3 database files are probably not needed as we'll 
want to rebuild these with objectivity/5.  

* We will be moving all star and GC home directories directly 
onto starsu00.  To do this we need to keep everyone who will 
be affected off of both starsu00 and pdsf during the transition. 

We should finalize the timing these items during thursday's phone 
conference. For now we'll plan on removing the older objectivity
versions and moving the /scrgc disks on thursday afternoon. The
move of the user directories will probably happen later - on 
monday or tuesday.

Thanks, Jeff 

R. Jeff Porter       		phone: 510-486-6983
MS 50A-1148          		fax  : 510-486-7698
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab	email: rjporter@lbl.gov
Berkeley, CA 94720    