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test federation at rcf

Hi All,

I recreated the test federation (fd_8888) on the rcf.
The new FDID is 26011 (one of my test FDIDs) and
the boot file is pointed to via.

setenv OO_FD_BOOT /scr20/gc_fdb/26011/Fdbfile

To access the afs version of objectivity, you can source

I made a log of how I built it in, /scr20/gc_fdb/README.build
Since the db-files are on a disk that is on rmds03 & not NFS
exported, I started the ams server on this machine.  Thus you
can run on rsun00 and access the dbfiles.   I copied over
41 of the 56 files from hpss & built the TagDB.  I did not yet build
the index file needed by Henrik's code (feel free to do so).

I found several small problems playing with Objy at rcf
(e.g. headerfile not found, ootoolmgr problems,... ) so it is
useful to exercise it here.

Let me know if there are any problems with the federation.

Thanks, Jeff