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Re: MDC-1 test result file

I think cmanager just got killed during the pftp...
It looks like pftp got lost and cmanager hangs now!
I have to start over again then...

rmds03 % ps -U asim
  8527 pts/28   0:00 ps
  7296 pts/51   0:01 qmonitor
  3142 pts/38   0:00 tcsh
  7293 pts/38   0:00 qe
  7301 pts/39   0:08 sii.sol
  7377 pts/18   0:00 tcsh
  7285 pts/46   0:07 cmanager
  4047 pts/51   0:00 tcsh
  8067 pts/46   0:00 cmanager
  8073 pts/18   0:00 vi
 28632 pts/28   0:04 tcsh
  4629 pts/46   0:02 tcsh
  3169 pts/39   0:00 tcsh
  8045          0:04 <defunct>

Alex Sim                        
MS 50B-3238                      http://sim.lbl.gov
DM, NERSC, LBNL                        ASim@lbl.gov
1 Cyclotron Road             office: (510) 495-2290
Berkeley, CA 94720              FAX: (510) 486-4004