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How to run the SM (Was: Re: two tape drive test)

dave zimmerman wrote:
> Hi All,
> This morning at the MDC meeting it was agreed that the GC 2-tape drive
> test could take place on Monday as part of the post MDC activities.
> The question which did come up is, How much time is required for this
> test?

Dave, Arie told me that Doug told him that you were going to run the
queries on Monday. This is how it's done (I send this to the list,
because it might be good to know for people in the future too):

0. execute "save.csh foo"; this will prepare the directory for running
the SM (more on this later)

1. setup gc.config properly (Esp: cache size, enable logging, HPSS path
and host)
2. create a file with the following format:
"prop1>123" : 60 : 120
"prop2>123" : 10 : 0

This will cause a 120 s delay between two queries. The first query has
processing time set to 60, while second one to 10.
3. execute sm.sh; this will run the three Storage manager components in
separate xterms (set DISPLAY before you do this)
4. execute uc.sh; this script will as for the filename of the file that
contains the queries (the file you created in step 2 above).

You will see another xterm with title UserCode and everything should be
running nicely.
When you are done, or if you want to interrupt, you type:
save.csh save_dir
where save_dir is a directory you want to have created; save.csh will
move all log file to this directory. It will also kill the SM components
and remove any garbage files left over (some .ref files).

Let me know if you have any questions.
Cheers, Henrik
Henrik Nordberg       <hnordberg@lbl.gov>
Scientific Data Management Research Group
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory