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Re: Tests for MDC2

> A couple of points here on item 6):
> We'll not be running STAF, but rather a Root analysis code. What I've
> put together & will fill out in more detail with Dave's help, 
> is Dave's User-code structure within the Root framework.  So 
> the two codes should be consistent.  The difficulty in doing the
> tests you describe will be in when navigating via the
> Objectivity OIDs using the Star-BaBar Objy datastore.  It is 
> this code that has not been ported to Linux yet.  We may be 
> able to work around this using the event components that are in 
> Root files, but I don't know how to do this yet.

I believe that what you are planning will not effect the Storage
Manager, but I understand that this is not there yet.  Assuming what
you describe is available, it will be quite useful to run this test.

> Now assuming we can do such tests on Linux, we'll need to be 
> carefull about identifying the overhead. The GC-disk cache will
> be on the E4000 & I assume that it will be NFS mounted to the
> Linux machines. Last fall, we did some simple I/O tests on 
> Solaris-Linux NFS rates. We confirmed what was then on some 
> Linux web pages that the Linux NFS software was very poor.

Yes, I agree.  This is precisely the point of the test.  If the
network speed is too slow that it effects seriously total processing
time, we should find that out as early as possible.  Also, this will
be the first time we can test the effectiveness of Objectivity on
Linux taking to Objectivity on the E4000.  This why we think that the
EI needs to log when a request for an object is made, when the
trasfer starts, and when the object actually is passed on to the
analysis code.  I hope this can be logged.
