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Re: Tests for MDC2

At 1/25/99, R. Jefferson Porter wrote:
>dramatically to about ~5% of the non-loaded transfer rate.  I 
>haven't kept track of the state of this Linux-NFS software so 
>I'm hopeful that this has been fixed. But we need to be aware of 
>this hidden tax.

On PDSF we are getting NFS performance of ~5.5 MB/sec Linux to Linux and
~4.5 MB/sec Linux to Solaris. However, I don't know what RCF is doing.

- Craig

 Craig E. Tull, Ph.D.
 National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
 E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
 EMail: cetull@lbl.gov       WWW: http://iago.lbl.gov/
 Phone: (510)486-7253        FAX: (510)486-4004