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Federation for MDC2 GC testing

In this email I describe the present configuration of the federated
database I am putting together for the GCMDC2 tests.

The core of the federation is 22 hijing central databases each with 200
Each of these files I have copied five times so that there are
6*200*22=~24k events in the federation.

I plan to make additional copies of these databases to increase the
number of events, but am not yet sure how many
more I will be able to make.

Each of the  132 data base header files has associated with it  8

Component name 		file size  	comment
dst			110M		objectivty hijing data
HIT			15M		Root tree
TRK			22M 		Root Tree
EbE			6M		Root Tree
Str			6M		Root Tree
RAW			1.1G		unreadable format  
RAW1			1.1G		unreadable format	
RAW2			1.1G		unreadable format

where the unreadable format data means that it is data which I catted
together from several copies
of a root file.  I have not been able to decode it, but Ive opted to
ignore that problem for the moment..

When I have completed the archiving into HPSS I plan to make additional
copies of the database files and continue to grow events with the
described above.

Thus far the events have been spread across 3 tapes.  Of those 3, 2 are
filled completely with this data and star data.  I have requested that
the data compression be turned off for this class of service although
this request wasnt made until part of the first tape had already been

At present the data is on tapes

and being put on 00051400