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GC Scalability Test Federation

I have made up a 2% fraction of the test federation on starsu00.  I
welcome any comments or suggestions on its structure.

Each event in the federation consists of 6 components

component name                    file size                       Number
of Runs per file
***************                *********               ************
130Meg                                1
600Meg                                2
600Meg                                4
600Meg                                 1
600Meg                                1
600Meg                                1

Each run consists of 10,000 events.  Note that the Trk and Hit component
files each cover more than one run.

The file names for each run/component are descriptive as can be seen
from the directory listing:
starsu00 505% ls -last RUN13*
245056 -rw-r--r--   1 zimm     rhstar   250798715 Jun 15 16:06
245056 -rw-r--r--   1 zimm     rhstar   250798715 Jun 15 16:06
128024 -rw-r--r--   1 zimm     rhstar   131019202 Jun 15 13:43
589432 -rw-r--r--   1 zimm     rhstar   603270009 Jun 15 10:05
588512 -rw-r--r--   1 zimm     rhstar   602328602 Jun 15 10:01
588376 -rw-r--r--   1 zimm     rhstar   602190568 Jun 15 09:55

The DST objects (Ebe, Trk, Hit) are very simple.  Basically just:
a large array of random floats.

The "Event" component for an event is the entry point for an analysis.
It has the run number and event number information.
It also has the sequence number in the root tree (file) for the hit, trk
and ebe components which correspond to the particular event.

The programs used to create each of the files and the data created with
those files can be found in;
starsu00 516% pwd
starsu00 517% ls
Event/   Reader/  bin/     data/    ebe/     hit/     raw/     trk/
starsu00 518%

The Reader/ directory contains some code to open up the event component
and look around.
The bin/ contains the executables used to generate the data found in
The directories named after the components contain the code used to
create the components