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TOPS -- Testbed for Objectivity Performance and Scalability (fwd)

Mr. Holtman appears to developing many interesting things!
Edward N. May			Phone:		(630)-252-6222
High Energy Physics Division 	FAX:		(630)-252-5076
Argonne National Laboratory	Internet:	may@anl.gov
Argonne, IL 60439 USA		Webpage:	http://sun2.hep.anl.gov

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 10:24:19 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Koen Holtman <Koen.Holtman@cern.ch>
To: cern-rd45-members@listbox1.cern.ch, cern-rd45-friends@listbox1.cern.ch
Cc: Koen Holtman <Koen.Holtman@cern.ch>
Subject: TOPS -- Testbed for Objectivity Performance and Scalability

This is to announce the availability of TOPS, the 'Testbed for
Objectivity Performance and Scalability'.  TOPS can be used to test the
performance and scalability of Objectivity/DB under various 'fake' HEP
workloads and under various hardware configurations and object
clustering arrangements.  The nice thing about TOPS is that you can
set up tests with a simple scripting language, without having to
create or change C++ code.

TOPS and its documentation were mainly developed for private use and
for use within the GIOD project.  I am publicly releasing it because
it *may* be useful to other people too.  There is a learning curve
involved with using TOPS: I doubt that learning it will pay off
unless you plan to do a large number of tests.

You can find TOPS under 'software' on my CERN page
http://wwwcn.cern.ch/~kholtman/ .  There is also a link to the
documentation, which is quite large (36 pages when printed). 

TOPS uses Objectivity 4.0.2 (I have not tried it with 5 yet), and
compiles on Sun and HP.  Support is on a best-effort basis only.
