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Running GCA

Hi, there,

After these days running GCA(without orbixd), I met some 
problems as below:

1)Estimate is OK but QM says QM_NO_MORE_FILES sometime.

starsu00 137% testJY -s SM_QM_EI.ref -q "1972<num_Pion_p<1974"
Configuration file "./sm.config to be read
Opened Configuration file ./sm.config
QMName = :QueryMonitor_LB
QMHost = starsu00.lbl.gov
QEName = HNQueryEstimator
QEHost = starsu00.lbl.gov
IndexDirectory = /home/common/GC/malon/LaunchGCA/fd8888.starsu00/index/
QERefFile = /home/common/GC/malon/LaunchGCA/ForJYang/SM_QE_hn.ref
QMRefFile = /home/common/GC/malon/LaunchGCA/ForJYang/SM_QM_EI.ref
QueryFactory has made contact with Query Estimator
You are connected to a Query Factory.
returning from findObjViaStringFile...
A Query Monitor is available to your OrderOptIterator.
  Initial query will be 1972<num_Pion_p<1974
New query token: qe5060-90097369
Doing quick estimate
Quick estimate is between 13 and 13 events.
Doing full estimate...
Full estimate is 13 events in 8 files.
Would you like to proceed with this query (y or n)?  y
 return value from query->execute() is TRUE
Number of events:  13
Number of files:   8
DEBUG OOI:  requesting sublist 1 QM says QM_NO_MORE_FILES
DEBUG OOI:  no more data after retrieving 0 files and 0 object references
        Beginning Order-Optimized Iteration:

         *** Query is complete. ***

2) sometime in the whole running processing, I got wrong messege  
"Query is approximately 0 percent complete".
