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Re: PFTP port to Linux available online


At 02:10 PM 8/28/98 -0400, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
>Umm... Linux binaries are nice, but where/how do I get the sources?

This is a real sticking point.

Legally, I'm not sure that I am allowed to give the sources to anyone. At
HEPiX at IN2P3 last April, the people porting HPSS to Digital and to
Solaris platforms were in the same room as the IBM people and it was clear
that the CERN and SLAC people were legally unable to exchange bug fixes,
even though they both had the same code from the same source.

Until I understand the legality of these issues and get an "Okay" from IBM,
I can only distribute the binaries. I'll be at CHEP next week, so won't
make any progress on this front till after that.

If you have bug reports, send them to the EMails on the web page. Bill
Saphir will be able to address these reports.

- Craig

 Craig E. Tull, Ph.D.
 National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
 E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
 EMail: cetull@lbl.gov       WWW: http://iago.lbl.gov/
 Phone: (510)486-7253        FAX: (510)486-4004