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Re: a copy fd to play with

The Index for the fd30025 federation sits in
Note that this index includes the "hack" where in 
The flat index tells the QE it has data in the following sequence but

EventID.dbaseID EventID.contID  EventID.pageID EventID.slotID Set file_ID

it actually has data in the sequence 

file_ID EventID.contID  EventID.pageID EventID.slotID Set EventID.dbaseID 

and that the new federation also has all event headers in data base number

> I have made a copy of the STAR federation that we can use.
> The boot file is rmds03.rhic.bnl.gov::/disk0/grandch/stardb/fd30025/STAR
> Jie is ftp'ing the DB files to hpss.
> It is not resolved yet if we can run staf+BaBar stuff
> with this federation, that may require using the original federation.
> Dave, can you build an index for this one?
> THanks,
> Doug