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an easy error to fix?

Hello all,

I'm currently attempting to run the qm software and am running into some
problems -- perhaps someone knows a simple way to remedy this:

I start up the QE and CM -- all looks fine:  each says that it is ready
(though the CM is looking for a script called cm_script.sh).

Then I start up the QM and get the following error:

CMHost = rmds03.rhic.bnl.gov
CMName = CacheManager
QMOrbixPort = 1759
QMHost = rmds03.rhic.bnl.gov
QMName = QueryMonitor
QEOrbixPort = 1756
QEHost = rmds03.rhic.bnl.gov
QEName = QueryEstimator
***************** end config *****************
         Exporting server to the network, listening on port -268438896
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Which doesn't tell you much as best I can tell -- though the port number
wrong my gc.config looks fine.  I'm running this in the directory 

> pwd

and my library path is:


The gc.config is also in that directory.

Any bright ideas?

Thanks for your help,


Stephen C. Johnson
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
The University at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY  11794-3800